This web site was set up to help recruiters match or reject jobs for Gilbert Healton. Let Gilbert know you saw his web page when you contact him as he greatly prefers recruiters who actually care about quality of matches.
While his main focus is on remote positions Gilbert is also open to some hybred office locations. The main New Jersey areas are in and around Central NJ and the greater Trenton area. Areas outside of Philadelphia, PA, or northern Delaware, if actually outside the heavier metro areas. See chart below for more details on areas being accepted or rejected.
Use The Following Chart to get phone number
Right now looking for remote positions, or maybe a few limited local areas for hybrid positions (see flowchart). Until COVID-19 goes down to my satisfaction the "commute" options herein are what I might return to.
Begin at (Start) and go until you reach an oval at the bottom. Diamonds are yes/no choices, wide diamonds make other choices, rectangles show useful information, and small circles are "pass through" connectors.
Even before COVID-19 hit Gilbert was moving to remote jobs with, perhaps, occasional office visits. Now that the heavy remote of COVID is winding down it would take something major for Gilbert to return to the world of daily commuting. Especially "super commuting". Hybrid commuting, or maybe moving, is possible.
See Gilbert's Vulcan Salute greeting for these contactless COVID-19 times at Gilbert's Github account .
Lives in: Central New Jersey, 07728.
NOTE: To fight spam this email address is changed from time to time so revisit this page from time to time to get the current working email address.
Also see Email Subject Lines below.
To raise your email to the top of Gilbert's priority list, please put "Human-R" in the subject lines of cold emails to Gilbert or mention that you passed the flowchart.
In addition to technical skills, experiences include working with diverse people across corporate structure as well as customers, including international customers.
Core Strengths: Highlights of Gilbert's skills follows:
Though Gilbert has System and Network Administration skills, and has developed in Microsoft Windows environments, he is neither a deep enterprise level Administrator nor a .net developer.
Remote jobs are preferred to the point commuting jobs are much less attractive, though some are possible.
Talk to Gilbert about potential places he might move to. Hybrid jobs will be much more attractive then 100% in-office positions. This will be a few hours drive of Trenton NJ (nearest big city). He does not want to live in a metro area with intense traffic nor commute in such traffic.
Gilbert is not open to relocation at this time and greatly favors remote positions.
COVID-19 has caused Gilbert to only look for remote positions. New jobs that require going to offices after COVID-19 concerns lower must strongly be within the "Suspended" part of the chart above for Gilbert to venture into them.
Right now looking for remote positions, or maybe a few limited local areas for hybrid positions (see flowchart). Until COVID-19 goes down to my satisfaction the "commute" options herein are what I might return to.Some general resumes follow. Press the following More/Fewer button to see more or fewer resumes.
All resumes are available in Adobe PDF format while others are available in either Microsoft Word .docx files, LibreOffice (free open source) .odt format, or .text plain text format (e.g., Notepad).
Find Gilbert on LinkedIn.
While connection and job notices are reviewed, Gilbert defends his contacts by only linking up with recruiters he has good experiences with over a period of time. Bland "join my network" requests receive very low traction with me as I fear they are from bots.
Gilbert has been answering technical questions on stackoverflow and related communities for some time. You can view them at
Gilbert has also answered a few questions on the website. You can view them at
This website was created, and is maintained by Gilbert using his skills in HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Font Awesome, and other technologies. This site was designed to be simple, reliable, and low maintenance as well as using HTML-5 and CSS-3 to be mobile friendly (see mobile friendly icon in the footer).
Any ideas for improving this site to make it better on your future visits will be appreciated!